Sunday, August 11, 2019

A sustainable nightclub in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

A sustainable nightclub in London - Essay Example These words represent the essence of the challenge of sustainability, which nowadays is one of the major themes in scientific discussions and political debates. The term â€Å"sustainability† was initially coined by agricultural and ecological scientists, they understood it as the â€Å"sustainability of natural ecosystems† and defined as â€Å"the dynamic equilibrium between natural inputs and outputs, modified by external events such as climatic change and natural disasters†. Today the sustainability is understood more broadly; it is generally applied to various socio-economical systems and includes â€Å"the capacity of a system to maintain output at a level approximately equal to or greater than its historical average, with the approximation determined by the historical level of variability†. As one can see from the Meadow’s formulation, the sustainability’s challenge is closely related to the sustainable development, which in its turn is understood as a â€Å"development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs and aspirations†. Dominski et al suggest one more important meaning of the sustainability as a â€Å"dynamic balance among three mutually interdependent elements: protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems and resources; economic productivity; and provision of social infrastructures such as jobs, housing, education, medical care and cultural opportunities†.

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